Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Monday, July 11, 2011

Please forgive me...this is my first video blog so..uh..yes...>><<

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What to Post...

Well. Good news is that I am no longer retarded, and broke off my 'breaktime' with Star-Sama. I feel quite a bit happier. Though it'd be happiness tenfold if she were with me, but I, unlike some people, am willing to wait for her as long as I need to. Anyways short post, bite my ass. More later.

Bye Bye,


Sunday, June 20, 2010

So damned tired

So, Sarah and I started this temp job as petitioners here in the Everett/Lynnwood/Seattle area. Pays 50 a day, which Sarah and I share. I get 15 she gets..uh...whatever is left. I cant count at 6 in the am x.x. Its alright I suppose. Usually have to be up at 3 in the morning, get there by 3.30 and stay until at least 9.30 or 10. So it could be worse. But I am seriously bushed beyond words. My back and head hurts every morning, but I have to suck it up, so I'll live. Hey, at least its some money right? So, I should just stuff it right? xD
Sorry this is short. My next post may be longer.

Monday, May 31, 2010


So, it seems that God and all his pals are blogging nowadays and I feel a bit left out. Just a bit. >> << Anyways, here we are and here we go.

With all luck I'll be starting college in September, I'm going to community college for my MA (Medical Assistant) degree. At one point I thought I'd be going this July, but....I lost my SSC because I am a fuck hat, and I don't have state ID. Another fuck hat move. x.x But I can get my ID in July and hopefully start the process after wards to get into EDCC (Edmonds Community College).

It's weird. After I told my partner I wanted a break I felt despairingly lonely. I still do, but I feel that it is for the best. We both need to get on track with our lives and figure out where we are going and what we are doing. And I may be one hell of a multi-tasker, but trying to find a job, get my ID, get in to college, deal with a sick mom, (she has PKD), and balance my girlfriend, who I love but you drive me crazy sometimes ;P, I just can't do all that and stay sane, you know?

But enough of my emo-ness. I seem to be getting into reading more thought inducing authors, like T.S. Elliot, Lord Alfred Tennyson and William Faulkner. I think Amy'd be proud of me. LOL. She kept telling my ass to read Faulkner, and NOW, FINALLY, I am getting around to it. x.x But so far I like Faulkner, I barely got Tennyson and Elliot, so I have yet to shine my Opinion Light on them, so..yes...anyways...>> <<

Ah yes!! I am finally getting around to re-writing my vampire story. I wrote it in 2006-2007, and my mom, who incidentally, hates vampires, said she liked my story (even though it had only gotten 37 pages in x.x). So, with her pushing ;), I'm re-writing it and using REAL VAMPIRES. Like...Anne Rice's kind of vampires. Old World, elegant, civilized (sorta...they have to EAT people to live you know...>> <<, none of that vegan vamp b.s....Sorry Louis, I love you but...*shame finger*), sexy and all...mysterious. You know, cliche, awesome vampires. No gay-ass, shine like a disco ball when I enter sunlight, rather than explode into dust particles that blow away in the wind. Oi...no offense Stef...but...serious...WHY IN THE HELL DO THEY SPARKLE!? IS IT A DEFENSE MECHINISIM? If it is...who the hell will be put off by....sparkles? Aside from Satan? I mean...comon lady..x.x

Anyways. No more rant from me...I shut up now...^_^

Love and Many Curses to you,